小说首页 > 言情 > 穿越二战 >第七十章 告别少爷(下)(1 / 2)
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第七十章 告别少爷(下)(1 / 2)

  The pain sets in and I don’t bsp;痛苦来临时,我也不哭

  I only feel gravity and I wonder why 不知道为什么,我只感觉得到地心引力

  Well the dogs were whistling a new tune 而狗儿们叫出新的音调

  Barking at the new moon 对着新月狂吠

  Hoping it would e soon so that they could 希望满月快来,这样它们就能够……

  Die die die die die 死去……

  Well the dogs were barking at a new moon 而狗儿们对着新月狂吠

  Whistling a new tune 叫出新的音调

  Hoping it would e soon 希望满月快来

  And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day til the feeling went away 太阳不知道它自己是不是该出去照耀一天,等到感觉不在了再离开

  And the sky was falling and the clouds were dropping and

  the rain forgot how to bring salvation 天空在下沉,云朵在降落,雨忘记如何带来援助

  the dogs were barking at the new moon 狗儿们对着新月狂吠

  Whistling a new tune 叫出新的音调

  Hoping it would e soon so that they could die. 希望满月快来,这样它们就能够死去。

  第七十章 告别少爷(下)











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