小说首页 > 言情 > 穿越二战 >第一百七十八章 噩梦和现实434(2 / 2)
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第一百七十八章 噩梦和现实434(2 / 2)

  作者有话要说:with or without you

  See the stone set in your eyes 看着你冷眼相待

  See the thorn twist in your side 感受你拒人千里

  I wait for you 可是我仍然愿意等你回心转意

  Sleight of hand and twist of fate 一切就像命中注定

  On a bed of nails she makes me wait 我如坐针毡焦虑地等待

  And I wait without you 你离去了,我要等你到来

  With or without you 若即若离

  With or without you 若即若离

  Through the storm we reach the shore 终于穿越风雨到达彼岸

  You give it all but I want more 你付出了一切,可我想要更多

  And I'm waiting for you 你离去了,我要等你到来

  With or without you 若即若离

  With or without you 若即若离

  I can't live 你我的若即若离

  With or without you 令我度日如年

  And you give yourself away 现在你出卖了你自己

  And you give yourself away 你出卖了你自己

  And you give 你出卖了

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